Type Certificate

Drone manufacturers applying for Type Certification (Form D-1)

QCI has provisionally approved TQ Cert Services, UL India and Bureau Veritas as approved CBs to conduct various tests and certify drones, which are then recommended for Type Certification. Type Certification involves several levels of experimental testing, hundreds to thousands of pages of documentation, compliance to standards prescribed and site audits by CBs. 

How can mPower help with your TC?

For ease of understanding, we have divided the TC process into four phases.

Phase-1: Trials and Tests

This phase refers to your team conducting multiple levels of internal testing and validation of your UAV system. mPower works closely with your propulsion team to help them find the best configuration for the required battery system. mPower understands the power needs of your multicopter or fixed wing VTOL. This includes,
(a) Power demands placed by your electric motors, electric speed controllers, payloads requiring power, GPS/communication systems and other onboard electronic systems.
(b) Power needs for the targeted performance such as all-up weight of the UAS during vertical take-offs and landing, mandatory range and endurance, and performance of payloads during flight.
(c) Targeted battery weight and battery life.
(d) Battery safety needs such as thermal performance, and IP 65/67 compliance.
(e) Battery needs to offset impact of operating environment such as MSL (Example: Are you designing a drone for 18,000 feet MSL?), weather conditions (Example: Is it a high head wind application like use in Offshore rigs or Navy?), temperature (Example: Do we need to provide for thermal management for under - 60 °C?)
(f) BMS requirement for monitoring SoC, SoH, Consumed cycles and Usage stats
Not all cell chemistries are designed to handle field applications. mPower is a battery company whose solutions are not limited to one chemistry. We offer several types of battery chemistries (Li-ion, Li-polymer, and Solid-State) to determine the best battery for your application. In addition, we also provide hybrid architectures for fixed-wing VTOL aircraft to meet different power requirements.
Supporting you all through your Validation Phase: Working with 36 drone OEMs today, we understand the need for multiple trials and changes there of to be made to batteries. mPower’s R&D team world closely with your teams offsite, onsite and on-field relentlessly to get your product ready.
Response time:
During R&D phase you do not have time to wait for days and weeks for your battery to arrive. mPower is a partner that supports you with battery within same day to two-days to keep pace with your R&D. Any of our 36 drone OEM customers will stand testimony to that.

Phase-2: Documentation Phase

During this phase, for the battery system we finalize, mPower will provide: (a) BIS certification (b) Life cycle test report These are mandatory documents for your type certification.

Phase-3: CB Audit Phase

In this phase, mPower will issue the BIS authorization letter on its letterhead that allows youtouse our batteries on your drone. In addition, we provide trial batteries for CB demonstration and pre-demo testing.

Phase-4: Post TC Production Phase

Once your drone gets type certified mPower would work closely with you to support you with your manufacturing needs. This includes, (a) Inventory planning for battery delivery within 2 days of ordering (b) Production, QC support (c) Delivery to your production locations mPower is often contracted by many Drone OEMs to manufacture and supply batteries to fulfill orders from their customers. If you are applying for a TC and would like additional information, please contact support@mpowerlithium.com